End of September and we have something that looks like an allotment. Had a wonderful four hours of working on Sunday in the sun, with Helen, cutting nettles, pruning blackcurrant bushes, stamping down the seeded grass bed, and taking down a rotten cold frame – more evidence of Mr Rat. We had a great bonfire of the bad weeds, rotten wood, and other stuff at the end…
So easy to be happy and relaxed working in the fresh air. Lots of our plot neighbours come to see our progress, and they are all so praising of the amount of work we have done, which makes us feel like we are doing the right things, which is good.
Lots more to do but it is lovely to have such a never ending project with all the time in the world to enjoy it. Not like housework at all…at least not yet.
Loving being part of something vital, health-giving and longlasting….totally positive and feeling the benefits already.
Now I’m a follower.
Dr. Gary Clapton
Senior Lecturer Social Work School of Social and Political Studies University of Edinburgh Chrystal Macmillan Building George Square Edinburgh EH8 9LD 0131.650.3903
‘Adoption and Fostering in Scotland’ (2012) by Gary Clapton and Pauline Hoggan.
Available from Dunedin Press or Amazon £16.50.
First book on the subject, comprehensive account of history, current services and future challenges.